Pilea peperomioides is a native of southwest China, specifically the Yunnan region. It’s known by many names, like the Chinese money plant and friendship plant.

Ever since Agnar Espegren, a Norwegian missionary, brought them back to Europe, they’ve become a big hit, particularly in the Nordic regions.

These cuties can make a plant-lover’s heart skip a beat with their vivid, succulent leaves that resemble ancient Chinese coins. It’s no surprise that many believe the they can bring wealth and good luck.

Chinese money plant is also an incredibly sharing plant, constantly sprouting little offshoots. Now, before you start worrying about overpopulation, let me tell you – these little ones are perfect for propagation! They can either be transplanted directly into soil or propagated in water. They root easily and quickly, and you can soon have another plant to share with your friend.

How to Propagate Chinese Money Plant

1) When to propagate

Once the new offshoot has about three to four leaves, preferably in spring or autumn, when the temperature is around 20°C.

2) What you’ll need

A clean, sharp knife, succulent soil, peat soil, a sand cushion, and a pot with drainage holes.

3) How to do it

Cut off the offshoot from the root or mother plant. If it already has roots, great! If not, no worries. It’ll grow roots quickly.

If you’re worried about its survival, you can start by water propagation – soaking the cut end of the offshoot in water about two to three centimeters deep. Place it in a well-lit, ventilated spot, changing the water every couple of days.

After about a week, you’ll see tiny white roots sprouting. When they’re about four to five centimeters long, transplant them into soil.

4) Potting

A soil mix of succulent soil and peat soil in a 1:2 ratio is ideal. Ensure the soil is loose and drains well. Add some slow-release fertilizer to the soil.

After potting, water it and keep it in a slightly shaded spot, maintaining slightly moist soil. Remember, no waterlogging!

For about ten days, keep the soil slightly moist. New roots will sprout from the base of the stems, after which you can gradually expose it to more light and care for it as you normally would.

The Day-to-Day Care

You can think of it as a modern, minimalist version of a grass bonsai. Now, let’s delve into the nuances of caring for it.

1) Placement

Chinese money plant thrives well on an east- or south-facing windowsill, where it gets some scattered light. Despite its shade tolerance, it grows faster with a little bit of light. If it doesn’t get enough light, its leaves darken and start drooping.

But you don’t want to scorch it in direct sunlight either – a bit of bright scattered light should do the trick. And since it’s a sun-loving plant, rotating it every few days will keep it from leaning towards one side.

2) Watering

As for watering, it can handle a slightly dry environment. It’s best to water it when the soil is dry up to about two knuckles deep. Water the plant thoroughly until it drains out from the bottom. If the leaves start to droop, it could be thirsty. Spray some water on the leaves, and then slowly water thoroughly.

3) Humidity

Chinese money plant isn’t particularly needy, so there’s no need to go the extra mile to increase humidity.

4) Temperature

When it comes to temperature, room temperature is usually perfect for Mirror Grass (15 — 25°C). But during winter, if you have the heater on, make sure to keep it away from the heat source to prevent leaf drop.

So there you have it! The story of Chinese Money Plant, a delightful little plant that adds a touch of charm, cheer, and perhaps even luck, to your indoor spaces. Happy planting!

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